

Friday, August 9, 2013

Poems and Paintings

I'm not sure how many know but I am a bookworm, I am a journaler. I have always loved to write, not just write anything but write to God and about God. Oh the therapy sessions my journal has brought me. But that's a whole other blog post that I probably won't write. Anyways, poems and lyrics from songs have also been passions of mine. I've always loved to write and often I have found that as I got busy with life, even as a teenager, I was good at suffocating that passion out. I put very little weight on it. And there were years where I didn't write and also didn't even hum a song. Desert years they call them. But as I've had time, lots of time especially while Gino has been on trips, God's Holy Spirit has stirred in me those passions again as well as semi-new ones. I used to love to draw, although I quickly stopped or would hide my work, as I often compared myself to others. But lately when I read His word, or do the women's bible study I'm doing. or hear a song, or hear a sermon, or hear about a friend suffering - a picture comes to my mind. I fought it for awhile, journaling about these pictures instead, trying to remember the details when it hit me. I needed to paint. I needed to paint these pictures out. So while Gino was away I did my first two (believe it or not with crayon and crayola paint). I laughed because I thought of my Jr. Highers that I used to make paint and I thought, "they could do way better than I just did." But I also smiled because the picture in my head was finally on paper. Maybe not as refined as I pictured it but it was there. I am going to share the last two paintings I've done as God gave me words to these painting and I hope and pray they encourage someone, uplift someone, breathe fresh air on someone, not because I am a fantastic poet or artist, but because God can use our meek offerings and turn them into blazing fires. He can take our scribbles and fill them with hope, encouragement and life.  I pray this is the case. Love - Laura

Painting #1 - Dancers Prayer
Painting #2 - Push Forward Through