

Saturday, January 22, 2011

When the journey began..... (Laura's side of the story)

This journey of ours started back in 2007. "Is what your living for worth dying for?" our friend Bill Drake asked. What a statement. At the time we didn't even know Bill. Our good friends Jon and Suzie had joined an organization called Operation Mobilization. They joined a part of OM that reaches out  to people through the arts - music, artwork, dance, mime, etc.  We supported them because they were our friends but honestly hadn't thought much about the organization itself. To our surprise, (we were also bad friends for not reading the newsletter that month) Jon was in the area with Bill Drake to give a concert. They needed to borrow an amp and Gino of course had one. We were blessed with watching the dress rehearsal and that is when we heard the line "Is what you're living for worth dying for." I couldn't get that out of my mind.  I found my self changing, yearning to be used by God in new ways. Wondering if we were being called for more. God answered my question when Gino was asked by our friend Jon to join them on a trip. I had this feeling that our lives were about to change.  That seemed to be confirmed as Gino went on several more trips.  All the while everything I was reading (Genesis, Hebrews, Matthew, "Experiencing God", The purpose driven life, "Heavenly Man", Several missionary stories that my boss thought I'd enjoy) it all had to do with obeying God - obeying Him when He asks you to GO. "GO" has been a powerful word to me these past few years. But through His word and through circumstances and through HIS amazing peace I came to realize early on that God was changing us, and preparing us to "GO" where He wants to use us for His purpose and for His glory.  We went to Georgia in 2009 to visit our friends and it was the first time I met the team Gino worked with.  I have to admit I was really nervous about going because in the pit of my stomach I had a feeling God was going to make it clear that He was calling us to join Operation Mobilization.  I had cried the night before just feeling so anxious and sad because I'd miss my family and I felt like God was going to ask me to leave my home, my security, my family, my friends. It was a night of mourning and yet as we prayed about it I could feel God's love and His peace wrap around me. Well the next day was Sunday and as  I was walking Sean in the hallway of our friend's church, I looked up at the archway of the chapel and saw these words staring at me: "This is what the Lord says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16.  "Rest for your souls."  I realized that as long as we walk on God's path we would find rest for our souls.  Through this whole journey this has been one of the verses I have clung too. I felt immediate peace when I read this. I realized that Gino and I had been seeking, truly praying that God would show us if we were to proceed and apply to Operation Mobilization. He gave me my answer loud and clear. (I have felt this much stronger than Gino did at first but I know God did that for a reason.)  When we came back from Georgia, God had answered some specific prayers of mine and also given me huge peace - I knew it was time to apply.  Fast forward and the time has come that we prepare to "GO".  Again what a small powerful word.  There is much that needs to happen still and God has A LOT to accomplish but we are remaining on this path and trying to take a step at a time.  We would love to stay where we are but we have sought the Lord's wisdom and guidance and this is the door He has opened for us. He has taken all we thought was important to us and instead replaced it with a yearning to be where HE wants us to be. We are excited to join Operation Mobilization and be a part of a team that desires to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ in every part of the world through various different ways.  Our journey begins with the Arts team but I have learned to not put God in a box.  Who knows what other opportunities we will be given. We are just striving to be obedient now and hoping others will be challenged, encouraged and maybe even become followers of Jesus Christ through all of this.  Matthew 28:17-20 is another verse that has been a constant theme these past three year: "When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” The Holy Spirit has given each of us talents, gifts to be used to further the gospel of Christ.  Not everyone is called to leave home, but when we ARE called, we must obey. Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey me." Our prayer is that we will obey each step of the way.  We hope you will walk with us on this journey - pray for us, talk with us, feel free to ask us questions.  Here are some photos of Gino's past trips: 
Germany 2009

Germany 2009
Germany 2010

Lebanon 2010
Lebanon 2010
Lebanon 2010