

Friday, May 24, 2013


I do not think that what I say may be seen as profound to many but today God spoke to my heart and I felt led to share. Today was a tough day for my Sean boy. Today videos of his father did not cut it. Today he cried this morning because he wanted to snuggle with his daddy. Today he prayed God would bring his daddy home soon. Today he cried at night because I didn't read the Bible like his daddy did and he wanted his daddy again. Tonight the videos brought a small smile to his face as he talked back to his dad. I left him with a photo album which he was looking at as I closed their door.

So what is this epiphany that came to me? I was praying this morning after Sean cried that God would comfort my son and my heart also smiled knowing how much my son loves his daddy. Kayleigh also stated this week she missed her daddy and made me send a video of her singing to him. They miss him, they smile at the videos he made and talk back to him. They light up when they see his face. They know they are loved by their Father and they love him back.

I was convicted at that thought. Do I long for my Father in heaven like my son longs for his daddy? Do I get moved to tears wishing I could just hug him or hold on to him. Do I feel unsatisfied with just hearing and reading about my Father. Do I long to just run up to him wildly and smother him with love?

I have to say that for most of my life - I never really thought about it. I mean I never thought to miss my Lord. I never thought to long to see Him so I could love him. I always focused on my limited understanding of what would end here if I went there. God has suddenly filled me with a love for him that brings me to tears when I read his word at times, that makes me smile in the early morning when I'm alone and say good morning to Him. I am finally seeing him as my daddy. And my daddy deserves my love. A love like Sean has for Gino. And so today I am sharing this because it's my prayer that we all will love our God passionately and fiercely like a child loves their father. Like a child who is loved well by their Father. Because our God in heaven loves us like no one ever can or ever will. May I love you well Jesus - to the point that I miss you everyday and long to see your face.

Psalms 84 ( a portion of it:) "How lovely is you dwelling place, O lord Almighty. For my soul longs and even faints for you. With my whole being, body and soul, I will shout joyfully to the living God.  Even the sparrow finds a home there, and the swallow builds her nest and raises her young - at a place near our altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God. How happy are those who can live in your house, always singing your praises....A single day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. "

Monday, May 20, 2013

Do we impact?

Gino has been away for 1 week now. (Yes I am doing the countdown - I have 3 toddlers - you would too!!) I have heard back from Gino and so far the concerts have received good feedback. More people have come than they thought would, even drawing people from apartments that could hear them. The people were happy about them taking time to translate lyrics which opened up opportunities to talk with people and get them thinking about deeper things. They've had 2 concerts so far and a 3rd one today. They have traveling tomorrow to the south of France.  We of course will go more in detail later but for now thank you for the prayers - they are being heard and answered.

And that brings me to the topic above.  I was reading this morning Psalms 82 and part of verse 5 stuck with me quite heavily. It says "..and because they (the appointed israelite judges) are in darkness, the whole world is shaken to the core."

This verse struck me hard. It reminded me that my actions impact more than just myself. Especially as a mom with little ones who look to me to show them how to live life - my actions, my words impact.  On top of that my actions - whether I choose to live as God has asked me to live - or whether I choose to live as I please - this impacts not just me, not just my family, but does impact the world. How does it impact the world? Well I'm finding that when I am pleasing myself - I am not thinking to pray for my brother, my friend, our leaders, our world. Wouldn't it be something if all of us realized that we not only impact our life - we can impact the world. It reminds me also of Matthew 5:16 "So let your light shine before all men, that they may see your good deeds and give glory to God in heaven."

So to those who are on our team, to those who love the Lord - you can and are impacting the world. Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to spend time with our mighty God - interceding in prayer for Gino and the whole team. May you be encouraged and uplifted knowing God has chosen to impact the world through all who choose to live a life of love through Him.

I pray you will help me live in your light Lord. By your grace and strength, I can live in a way that impacts those around me and even those far away. What a gift to be used by you. Who am I? Your child whom you ransomed with a heavy price. May my love for you be evident in how I live....in how we live.

God Bless - Laura

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Une peu de prévision en français (A little preview in French)

The team from Canada is here and the rehearsals and training sessions are going well. The guys are gracious enough to run around with mine and Suzie's kids after dinner and Georgia, the dancer going with the team, has been so sweet with our girls. Below are two videos showing a song written by Jon Simpson that Jon was able to translate and sing in French.  Here is just a taste of what they will be doing in France. They also sang it live with their bassist and drummer today at the "Prayer Plus" event that OM has every Thursday. Prayer Plus is a time for us to pray for missionaries around the world, for each other, etc. There's usually a time of worship with music, prayer and sharing through it.

Saturday is a full concert, including a French translator and dancing as well. We are excited and praying people are encouraged and touched. It's open to anyone who wants to come and the church we've been going to was also invited as well. We are excited especially because I (Laura) and the kids will get to see Gino play live for the very first time in a full concert. We also have good friends from Atlanta coming by and we're excited to hang out with them.

Please continue to pray for their journey.

God Bless - the Quinns

1. Gino and Jon's acoustic version:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vnt6p_SPe8
2. Live performance at OM : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=HkR3b4-NPPU#!