

Sunday, April 21, 2013


As Gino has been keeping busy practicing with Jon and going to meetings and preparing for their trip to France, the kids and I have been busy settling in, meeting new neighbor friends, taking walks to the OM office to drop off our thank you cards and chatting with people on the way.
There has been a few more eventful happenings since my last post….you know, my pajama horror story.  I’ve been meaning to blog a bit about what’s been going on but there a few things that have slowed me down.  But today the Pastor at the church we’ve been attending used Proverbs 2 as part of his sermon and I wanted to share it with you.
Proverbs 2: 7-9
“He grants a treasure of good sense to the godly. He is their shield, protecting those who walk with integrity. He guards the paths of justice and protects those who are faithful to him.  Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will know how to find the right course of action every time.”

So today started off pretty normal. We got up, had breakfast, bathed the kids, got ready for church and headed out the door. We got to church then headed out to lunch with Jon and Suzie and the kids. Got home, kids took a nap, hey even mama watched a movie and got a nap. If you are a mom, you will know this day was going really really well.  I even woke up to my sweet husband making dinner. We had dinner and then decided to go to the lake that is near us and take Sean fishing.

We got to the lake and the boys (Gino and Sean) started casting their poles. There was a group of teens out there and they kindly let our noisy family fish there too. One guy even brought a fish he caught over and let Sean pet it. Sean was excited but didn’t look to thrilled when he felt that it was slimy. The guy gave us some fishing tips and then re-joined his group. I parked Hugh and Kayleigh’s stoller and took pictures of Sean and Daddy fishing like any good mama would. Hugh began to fuss to I unlocked the stroller and took Kayleigh and Hugh for a stroll looking for turtles. (They have turtles in the lake but the pollen pretty much covered the edges so we couldn’t see much.) I parked Hugh’s stroller so we could look around and he started to fuss again so we strolled back. I noticed some bubbles coming closer to the end I was at so I told the boys. Gino sent Sean down to me and I decided I would help Sean cast.  So I parked Hugh and told Kayleigh to stand next to her brother.  Gino started to walk towards us and kindly schooled me on how to cast which is good because I was about to just cast without pressing a button that would have released the lure. That would have shown those southern kids that we were definitely not from here. Gino and I tend to not like making scenes so I’m glad he showed me. Silly scene averted.  I cast once and Sean reeled it back up. Nothing. So I went to cast it again and didn’t really cast it far so I reeled it back only to get the hook caught on the edge so as I walk towards the edge I tell the kids to stay back and all of a sudden to my left I see a stroller headed right by me and yes into the water with my little son it. I didn’t really think much except to drop the pole and jump into that water as it went face down and I knew I needed to pick it up. So God gave me superwoman strength and I somehow managed to grab the 35 lb stroller with my 26 lb son that was soaked with water,  quickly and get back to shore. All the while my eldest thinks it’s hilarious that mama just got all wet.  Usually I am the one frozen in panic when things like this happen. Gino said it was like it happened in slow motion (I agree) and for some reason God gave me the the strength to act quick and act fast. So Hugh and I were soaked – Hugh more than me. I quickly noted that I need to double check if I lock the breaks EVERY SINGLE TIME. Also my poor daughter was saying sorry over and over so God gave me the wisdom to tell her it was ok. God protected us and she didn’t mean to push Hugh; the stroller wasn’t locked. If anything, that was my fault. Sean went on to ask what my consequence would be since it was my fault. I quickly replied, “hmm, I think mama got her consequence since she’s soaking wet and her shoes have rocks in them and I can’t get them out without stepping on more rocks. “ Sean continued to chuckle.

So as you can see by my title, we made a huge splash today and we definitely showed those southern boys we are not from here. Oh well.  If you see a crazy woman jumping in a lake grabbing a stroller on YouTube, well that's just me. We all walked home and Hugh and I had a bath. It was also a blessing to see that Hugh was not afraid of the water. He splashed and had fun. I know God had us do that quickly so he could see he was safe. He was blowing bubbles and laughing.

I wanted to share this to maybe get you to smile and laugh at our silly family but also get you to see that God really is our shield and our protector. Instead of freaking out He gave me the right course of action. And wisely showed me that the next time we go, I will be bringing a towel.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Sometimes there are days when I feel like I am stuck in a funny movie. The only bad part about a funny movie is that there has to be the character that gets laughed at. Today was one of those days and I found myself that character.  While there is not much I can offer today that is full of meaning, I thought I'd at least share a glimpse into the life of a homemaker.  You know, us mom's who the world likes portray as sitting in our jammies watching soaps and eating bon bons. Well here is how my day went.  My kiddos went to bed with what seemed a bad allergy cough as we had walked a lot outside and pollen is everywhere right now. Alas, the cough didn't disappear and Sean and Kayleigh woke up to their coughs and of course they both have a fever and Sean needs a breathing treatment right away. It's raining today so I declare it jammy day. (So maybe I fit into that "label" today).  Anyhoo, Kayleigh is coughing as well and I discover can't catch her breath either so she gets an inhaler. We have breakfast and then the kids watch a movie so I can get housework done and continue getting us out of boxes and organized. Well the movie keeps there attention for a mere few minutes and they of course decide to run around. That would be ok except for today. Because today running sends my kids into coughing fits. So I quickly finish folding blankets out of one laundry basket (yes there are more calling my name).  I read a few books to them to get them settled down and give Sean another treatment. I bribe them to take the menthol cough drops which ends up being a battle I choose to surrender as my daughter insists on taking it out of her mouth and gets the sticky slimy thing all over her, my couch, and me. Oh well, it's jammy day, good thing I didn't get dressed up.  After updating accounts and changing our address on a couple things while the kids snack on goldfish and orange juice, I quickly fold some more clothes. I get a quarter of the basket done when Hugh decides he's done and shows me by splashing his orange juice around and Kayleigh knocks her full cup of orange juice on the table. So after cleaning the floor, the table, the chair Hugh was in, it was lunch time. After lunch round #2 of cleaning the floor, the table and chair and 3 kids, we go in their room for quiet play time. Nap time finally arrives. Yeah! My husband calls me to check in and instructs me to rest. (I love my husband) So upon his suggestion I take a break. I watch a quick show and then excitedly settle in for a nap. (The kids by the way decide to stay awake but this is my sanity time so they talk and cough till I open that door.) 10 minutes later I hear the door ring twice and a knock. I get up thinking it's Gino and answer the door (again in my jammies and my bedhead) and find the two handymen coming to count the doors so we can get the door stoppers put in and to measure our bathroom walls so they can look into getting us extra storage.  All the while I am trying to naturally zip up my sweatshirt, sneak back into my room while they measure to put on socks and nonchalantly try to smooth down my hair. They leave, I hop back into bed to hear a door knock 10 minutes later. I open the door to this wonderful woman and in my mind horror sets in as I realize I had booked an appointment for Gino and I to get health insurance today. So I welcome her in just as Gino pulls up and we start talking about health insurance. I talked seriously over high deductibles and co-pays and explained my background in insurance all the while dying inside that I didn't put some freakin jeans on today. To top it off our kids got tired of being in their room (surprise surprise) so I had to be nice and let them out. I put on Nemo and had them hop in my bedroom as a treat. BAD IDEA!  Hugh screamed for freedom from his high chair. The kids jumped on our bed and went through drawers and off course fought and then laughed and then screamed throughout the whole time we were deciding what co-pays and plans looked good. And then once we chose my husband had to work, so as I signed paperwork, Gino left and my kiddos ran around me and the super nice insurance lady. (The insurance lady was sweet and patient and worked as fast as she could - I would have if I was her too but mine would have been to escape).  To top that off Sean and Kayleigh decided they needed me and clung closely. All the while coughing their little heads off. Then, Sean went into a coughing fit as the insurance lady was explaining the payments and as I was holding him, yup, he threw up all over me. So I quickly pulled my sweatshirt off. (Thank God I had a t-shirt on) and as I'm trying to calm Sean down and listen to this wonderful lady at the same time, my son continues to gag on and throw up all over my kitchen floor that Gino had just mopped the night before. All the way down. He sort of just made a huge long line, like he was trying to decorate for me. He then so sweetly pulled 1/2 a sheet of paper towel to try to clean it and almost stepped in it all the while. I quickly grabbed a towel from the hall closet while this lady is still talking as we are almost done and she has to legally do her do diligence. I make it back into the kitchen before Hugh decides to step in it. Kayleigh wants up and so does Hugh, and if you know my kids they aren't quiet when they want something. I get everything cleaned, send Sean to the bathroom to finish and the sweet woman hands me papers and says goodbye. So we are now signed up for health insurance, throw up, coughs, bedhead, jammies, and all. And I am now sitting here enjoying the Venti Carmel Machiato my husband so sweetly picked up for me, before he know about the end of my day. So if anything spiritual can be said....today I will count my blessings. Thank God for laughter because as soon as Sean threw up on me, I just wanted to burst out laughing. Don't get me wrong I wanted to cry to, but my urge to laugh drove that away. Thank God for my husband who somehow knew that his wife needed a HUGE cup of coffee at the end of this day. Thank God for God - who knew that He needed to show me I could buy insurance with jammies, bed head, and throw up, and sick kids all at once.  Good night and I hope this makes you smile. Because I know it made me. And yes, I'm still in those same darn jammies.