

Monday, April 11, 2011


While many of you know we are in the process of joining Operation Mobilization as full time missionaries, we haven't updated you all on how it's actually going.  Right now we are in the process of building our ministry support team. What is a ministry suport team? Well we are being called to "go" into the mission field but we need a team of people who will "send" us. People who will join with us in prayer and financial support.  We must admit that this is a very emotional process and God has been teaching us to trust in Him and to just share our story with those we know and let Him stir in the hearts of those who will be called to give.  Can I just say that God has been so faithful to do just that.  Whenever we start to question, or get fearful, or down when someone hasn't responded to us, God brings people out of the blue willing to support us, or we get an e-mail response saying they want to be apart of our team, or a friend saying "yes" I will. I have a few times in my journal where I specifically prayed that God would encourage us or bring someone who would support us, and that weekend or even day someone would talk to Gino or I about what we're doing or would say they want to support us.  He keeps reminding us time and time again that this is His plan. This is all His.  So far we have a few supporters already giving to us which is a blessing as we must have our moving costs and be 100% funded to go.  We have about 4% of our support raised so we have a LOT of work to do on our end but we trust that God is the one who will get us 100% supported at just the right time.  The hard part is putting aside fears of rejection, or thinking people won't understand, because in the end God is the one who will get us there and God is the one who will work in the hearts of those who are to be part of our team.  We are excited and encouraged as God keeps bringing more people who are wanting to join our team. We just pray that we will be able to meet and share what God is doing in our lives and hope that it will leave those we meet with encouraged, challenged, and maybe even a little "messed" up like we were left when God had us see the "Wear the Crowns" message.  Is what we're living for worth dying for? Is Jesus getting what He paid for?  .....Keep praying that God will keep us encouraged and that we will be able to get there in His time.  As many of you know we are expecting Quinn #3 so we are anticipating joining Om in January.  Please be praying that God's will is done.  We are wanting everything to be done in His will and His time. Till next time.....
Psalms 139:15-16
You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
      as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
 You saw me before I was born.
      Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
   Every moment was laid out
      before a single day had passed.