As I was driving my kids home from picking berries (which was very fun till my oldest decided to give me attitude as if he was 14 and not 4), I was not looking forward to driving to the grocery store to run errands. I almost put on some music to kind of muffle the chatter that goes on in those back seats and give my ears and mind a bit of a break, but then my oldest asks if he can please earn a prize for knowing his Bible verse. I explained he needed to say it all the way and that he also needed to tell his dad. I also told him I was surprised he was asking this as we just had a spank and juice taken away for a week (he picked those punishments out by the way - I was gonna go for taking a toy away for a day but he kept pressing for a punishment and then proceeded to tell me he was going to pick it.) So I let him win that battle - sort of.
Anyways in the ladies Bible study I joined we are going through a Beth Moore series that talks about the Holy Spirit. I'm loving it as one of the verses I mention constantly to my kids is Galations 5:22-23. I have to say, though, as I'm going through this study God has decided I need to better my character. And this week has been a stretcher for me with my kiddos, especially my eldest. I'm so glad God is at least making it clear to me that I'm being stretched because it has helped me to pray, even as my son has told me quite a few times this week that he likes dad better than me - to just smile and say "I know Sean, I know." Because if it was me - I would have been laying on the guilt trip or would have felt like the worse mom ever!
So again back to me driving to the store with my kids. Sean began trying to say his memory verse earnestly. It's 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 by the way : "Love is patient, love is kind. Love is not jealous, or boastful, or proud or rude. It does not demand it's own way, it is not irritable. It keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice over evil but rejoices with the truth. Love never gives us, love never loses faith, it always hopes, and endures through every circumstance." He wants to earn a wallet and so I'm making sure it's earned (hey wallets are expensive and he wants one that will last till he's an adult he says). Anyways he said it pretty perfect and he said, "I should keep saying it over and over and then I won't forget it." I said he was right and that it's good to practice it so he can tell his dad. So he began practicing it and I could hear that he'd mix up the phrases or sentences and stop himself. He kept stumbling so I tried to help by saying it along with him. Well he told me quite adamantly that I needed to let him do this by himself. So rolled my eyes (he couldn't see that by way) and closed my mouth. He again proceeded and began to stumble again and started to get angry. And then this kid melted me. He stopped and said aloud, "Dear Jesus please help me have self-control. In Jesus name I pray Amen." Then he started to practice again.
Chatter - beautiful heart melting chatter. A sweet simple prayer from my son's lips. Rather than ask me he went to God for help. Rather than give into his anger, he asked God to give him self-control. (I guess he was paying attention this week as I would pray aloud some times "Lord give me patience!!") But as I drove on in silence letting my son practice - tears filled my eyes and I praised God in my heart saying, "Lord thank you for showing me that you are real to my son. Please keep him dependent on you. Please help me to be more like him - May I go to you first when I struggle. May I remember to stop what I'm doing and just give it to you. Lord thank you that my son knew at that moment that you would give him that self-control. May my faith be ever more child-like Jesus."